Country specific information – Poland


The analysis shows the trends and touristic demands of  Poland. There are no data available for the area of The Association of Heritage and Development. But the researches presented in the analysis can also express the trends and demands for the region as well. The association covers 11 counties, which different cultural and natural heritage. The LAG introduced the rapport connected with the local tourist product where important principles about natural resources of the area have been mentioned. The LAG sources with the utmost attention to their durability, no pollution and distortion. Determines a number of activities in the field of environmental protection, ecological culture, planning and shaping the cultural landscape and aesthetics. This also determines the economic organization (enterprise services and products), in accordance with the standards that apply to the use of the environment and the interests of safety and human health, which requires coherence and synergies between the partners of the 11 Municipalities forming LAG area “Heritage and Development”.


In the description of the area especially in justifying specifics of the area, LAG strongly has emphasized  that the potential and advantages are located in the local tourist product. What is more,  SWOT analysis showed that there is a huge need for development of tourism and associated services. By developing the strategic objectives, LAG has repeatedly pointed to the opportunities they create to improve the standard of living in rural areas, the development of the tourism function (including agro-tourism) area based on environmental resources, local product and cultural  offer, sports and leisure facilities.


Implementation of the strategy, in accordance with the principles of the Leader approach and RDP Directive should create the conditions for the formation of those opportunities, as one of the main trends of development the attractiveness of rural areas. One of the opportunities can be creating new NGOs. Tourism also The development of tourism in the area, gives a lot of opportunities to create a variety of projects, both commercial and non-commercial. It can also increase the economic attractiveness and the development of the whole area’s potential. In determining the projects planned for implementation by supporting specific types of operations, almost every strategy stored activities aimed at developing or improving the quality of rural tourism products.


The survey conducted by the Association, showed that the potential in local brands and tourism product is huge and that there is a need of developing tourism and other connected services. The main weaknesses are lack of accommodation facilities and low information about the advantages of the region and its products. Also there are no many researches connected with the tourist product, so there is not easy to define needs and create good and successful businesses plan. What is more tax system in Poland is not convenient for the young interpretors.


In spite of the weaknesses, there the huge potential that can attract investors and tourists lays in the history of those places, reach natural resources that can be transformed into attractive leisure offer, also many cultural events and festivals can be organized. Also another important factor is the support of the local government that will help new start-uper to create and develop their businesses.


More info and whole tourist context analysis you can download here: Tourist context analysis